Product/Services Overview:
USE CASES: Smart City-Xspaces & Initiative Use Case Designing & Development service as the part of SDP’s Management Consulting & Government Advisory service offering for Public, Private and Social sector clients.
Product/ Service Delivery Duration:
Min 3-4 months depending upon Size of offering required and Scope of Work.
Ideal Client Type:
Public, Private and Social sector clients: International Agencies, National Governments-Ministries; Local Governments-Municipalities, Development Authorities, Smart City SPVs/ offices, Private Companies.
What is in the package of Product/Services (Deliverables)?
- Smart City-Xsapces & Initiative Use Case Designing & Development Report.
- Support for Smart City-Xspaces & Initiative Use Case Designing & Development.
Product Offering/SoW Overview:
Introduction of Smart City-Xspaces Use Cases
Needs Assessment and Stakeholder Engagement
Use Case Identification
Use Case Definition and Documentation
Technology Evaluation and Selection
Pilot Planning and Implementation Support
Use Case Development and Integration Support
Testing and Validation Support
Monitoring and Optimization
Scaling and Rollout
Training and Capacity Building Communication and Stakeholder Engagement
Documentation and Reporting
Evaluation and Impact Assessment
Continuous Improvement and Innovation
Key Benefits:
- As a user-centered technique, use cases help ensure that the correct system is developed by capturing the requirements from the user's point of view.
- Use cases are a powerful technique for the elicitation and documentation of Smart City-Xspaces Initiative functional requirements.
- Because they are written in natural language, use cases are easy to understand and provide an excellent way for communicating with customers and users. Although computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools are useful for drawing the corresponding interaction diagrams, use cases themselves require remarkably little tool support.
- Use cases can help manage the complexity of large projects by decomposing the problem into major functions (i.e., use cases) and by specifying applications from the users' perspective.
- Because they typically involve the collaboration of multiple objects and classes, use cases help provide the rationale for the messages that glue the objects and classes together. Use cases also provide an alternative to the overemphasis of traditional object-oriented development methods on such static architecture issues as inheritance and the identification of objects and classes.
- Use cases have emphasized the use of lower-level scenarios, thereby indirectly supporting the important concept of mechanisms, a kind of pattern that captures how "objects collaborate to provide some behavior that satisfies a requirement of the problem."
- Use cases provide a good basis for the verification of the higher-level models (via role playing) and for the validation of the functional requirements (via acceptance testing).
- Use cases provide an objective means of project tracking in which earned value can be defined in terms of use cases implemented, tested, and delivered.
- Use cases can form the foundation on which to specify end-to-end timing requirements for real-time applications.
Additional Free Offerings:
- The system boundary is undefined or inconsistent.
- The use cases are written from the system's (not the actors') point of view.
- The actor names are inconsistent.
- The actor-to-use case relationships resemble a spider's web
- The use case specifications are too long.
- The use case specifications are confusing.
- The use case doesn't correctly describe functional entitlement.
- The customer doesn't understand the use cases
- The use cases are never finished.
- The functional nature of use cases naturally leads to the functional decomposition of a system in terms of concrete and abstract use cases that are related by extends and uses associations which further scatters the features of the objects and classes among the individual use cases.
- The use case model and the object model belong to different paradigms (i.e., functional and object-oriented) and therefore use different concepts, terminology, techniques, and notations. The simple structure of the use case model does not clearly map to the network structure of the object model with its collaborating objects and classes.
- Too many use cases that can produce an essentially infinite number of usage scenarios, especially with today's graphical user interfaces and event driven systems.
- The use case modeling typically does not yet apply all of the traditional techniques that are useful for analyzing and designing functional abstractions.
- The use cases ignore the encapsulation of attributes and operations into objects, issues of state modeling that clearly impact the applicability.
- The lack of formality in the definitions of the terms use case, actor, extends, and uses.
- The archetypical subsystem architecture of use cases that can result from blindly using use cases
- Use cases are defined in terms of interactions between one or more actors and the system to be developed.
- Basing increments on functional use cases threatens to cause the same problems with basing builds on major system functions.